What does it mean to be a Christian?
If you have come to understand and embrace your NEED FOR GOD, then you have come to sense, at least in a small way, that you need God to save you and transform you in every aspect of your life. You are at the beginning of an amazing journey of enjoying and seeing the depths of God’s love and grace in ways that you can not even imagine.
There are different ways that the Bible describes this transformation. Here are 3 of the Biblical explanations of what it means to be a Christian.
The book of Ephesians says that you were dead in your trespasses and sins and God has made you alive in Christ.
Jesus, in the book of John, describes the change as being born again.
Paul, in the book of 2 Corinthians, describes it as becoming a new creation in Christ.
In all of these descriptions there is need for change. There is a transformation from what was before to what is new. Someone who is a new creation, who has been born again, who has been made alive in Christ will/must show signs of life. If there are no signs of life at all, then it is only natural and reasonable to question the reality and truth of someone’s claim to be a Christian.
Some clear signs of a person growing and showing their new life in Christ are:
Set apart regular time during your week to read and think about what God says in the Bible. In the Bible, you will read more and more about who God is and what His great plan of salvation is for you and the all those who would believe in the world. If you haven’t already, I would read through either the book of Mark or the book of John in the New Testament.
Find a local church that faithfully teaches God’s Word and seeks to live out consistently what the Bible says
Here at this local church, you will not only be helped by this loving community to become more and more what God has called you to be, but you will also have an opportunity to help others grow as well.
This is a time to talk with God as your loving Heavenly Father. This is a time that you can express your love for who God is, thanks for what He has done for you, ask Him for help and guidance, and ask Him to help others in your life.
Our hope is that this will be a small help to you as you walk this journey of your new life in Christ. Please feel free to contact us and we would love to help you along in your journey to love God more and more with all your heart. Here are a couple of books (“Am I Really a Christian?” and “What is a Healthy Church Member?”) we think would be really helpful to you. CONTACT US HERE, and we would love to give you one of them as a gift.