Thanks for checking us out. We want to be helpful to you as you think about whether God would have you visit us. Whether you choose to worship Christ with us or not, our desire for you is to love the Lord Jesus with all your heart together with His people at a local church. Here are some helpful questions and answers that we think will help make your visit with us as smooth and meaningful as possible.
What time are our services?
English Service
10:30AM - 11:45AM
cantonese service
10:30am - 11:45Am
Where are we located?
11636 Lower Azusa Road
El Monte, CA 91732
What is our service like?
In our service, we seek to remind ourselves that Jesus Christ, who died for our sins and was raised to life on the third day, is THE MOST monumental, treasured, and worthwhile person in our lives. We seek to be, on the one hand, reverent and sober as we come together before our awesome and holy God. On the other hand, we seek to be warm, loving and friendly, demonstrating the love, kindness, and forgiveness that we have so freely received from Christ. So come and join us as we seek to savor the greatnesses of the Lord Jesus and to love Him all the more.
What is parking like?
We have parking right behind our building. So as you turn in from Lower Azusa, find a parking spot and come and join us for our ENGLISH SERVICE through the double glass door entrance on the ease side of the building (near the map marker) and our CANTONESE SERVICE through the double metal door entrance (*) on the south side of the building