On Sundays
Sparks (Assembly)
During the English worship sermon time, we invite your young children to participate in a time of worship geared toward their learning capabilities. Children are given opportunities to learn about God through readings and explanations of Biblical stories and Scripture memorization. Concepts are reinforced through reciting catechisms, singing songs of praise with hand motions, and arts and crafts. (Children are often treated to a short snack time, so please let us know if your child has any dietary restrictions or food allergies.)
The class begins with the children singing worship songs using instruments and then singing with hand motions. Kid versions of the Bible are used to teach God's truth, and followed by either a craft or game that reinforce the lesson.
The teen and young adult years are some of the most formative periods of life where individuals wrestle with growing independence, increasing responsibility, and corresponding accountability. It is in this setting that our class aims to establish a firm Biblical foundation of knowledge that, given God's grace, will yield a thoughtful and vibrant growing faith anchored in Christ. Our discussions and studies arise from verse-by-verse Scripture studies, topical material from Christian books, practical case studies, and listening to sermon selections.
The Lanterns class is comprised of older elementary and junior high school students. As these young individuals have been introduced to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we build on this truth as we study God’s plan of salvation as revealed through the Scriptures. The class also portions time for a group discussion to review the Pastor’s morning message to help everyone understand key points and the relevance. We have a great time building relationships, encouraging and praying for one another.
After the English Service and the fellowship time, come and join us for an hour as we have another time of learning and discussion around God’s Word. We cover a variety of topics like studies through the books of the Old Testament, to finishing the race of life well to God’s glory, to the indispensable of the faith. We look forward to getting to know you!
During the Week
Come join us every Tuesday evenings at 7:30pm without needing to fight the LA traffic as we enjoy time to share and enjoy one another’s friendship over Zoom. We spend time discussing and furthering our understanding and application of the previous week’s sermons.
If you are interested in joining please email
with the subject line “Interested in the Tuesday Night Fellowship”
KOinonia : Women’s Ministry
Jesus Christ is the center of the CCC Women’s Koinonia and He is what connects our community. Our goal is to grow in our likeness to Him and to exalt the Lord in all we do. We hope to cultivate deeper relationships among the women through women’s discipleship, devotionals and prayer requests, community service events, care packages of encouragement, luncheons, & conferences. JOIN THE LADIES’ FELLOWSHIP ON FRIDAY NIGHTS @ 7:30pm on ZOOM. If you are interested, please email
with the subject line “Interested in the Friday Night Koinonia”.
Come join us on Zoom 7:30pm Thursday evenings where we alternate every other week with singing and prayer on one week and singing and an equipping hour on the other week. If you are interested in joining us on Thursday’s please email
with the subject line “Interested in the Thursday Night Prayer and Equipping”